You can order a copy of Bluefluke’s “Atom Bomb Tarot” here, now, which you should because it’s fucking awesome. By far the finest chaos magick tarot deck available!
It makes use of the eight circuits of consciousness, and has Rider-Waite-Smith AND Thoth versions!
Standard Version: No frills
Limited Edition: Gold edges, signed and numbered, higher quality paper
Special Version: Those who donated super early (like a year ago) will get bonus stuff as well, like a physical copy of the Psychonaut Field Manual!
If you’d prefer not to have a physical copy and spend the rest of your life kicking yourself, he will be releasing the whole thing free online at some point too, at which point I will be adding it to my sigil/cartomancy web app.
I just ordered, and will post a review as soon as I get my copy!
How can I get a copy of the limited edition? I have very deep pockets if anyone is willing to re-sell their deck. Or I’ll pay you to make another deck run.
I have a atomic bomb tarot deck for sale Does anyone want to buy?
I have a copy
Teresa (or anyone else), I’m looking to buy a physical deck if anyone is still interested in selling one. Contact me at Thanks!